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Wednesday, April 30th
$100 per person

Travel to Northeastern Italy at our Veneto Wine Dinner.

Enjoy a special spring wine dinner featuring four beautiful wines paired with a four-course menu inspired by the Veneto region of Northeastern Italy. 


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Four Wines + Four Courses

Allow Cento's Wine Steward Sophia Georges and Italian wine expert Dan Powers to set the stage for a Venetian evening set in the heart of Madison, complete with decadent pasta, spectacular seafood, and incredible wine pairings. Savor these four courses crafted by Executive Chef Edwin Ramirez with corresponding pairing presentations including Prosecco, Soave Runcata, Valpolicella, and the Veneto's ever-famous Amarone

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Take It Home 

If you find yourself falling in love with any of the wines (which you very well may!), bottles will be available a la carte as well. Take a keepsake and share your passion for Italian wine with friends and family!